This american life: episode 565 - lower 9+10: Katrina bus tours go all over New Orleans, but it’s illegal for them to go into the Lower 9th Ward, the area that's been the slowest to rebuild. This week we go around talking to residents there about what matters the most to them (and what doesn't) ten years after the hurricane.
99% Invisible: Kowloon Walled City: Kowloon walled city was the densest place in the world, ever. by its peak in the 1990's, the 6.5 acre kowloon walled city was home to at least 33,000 people (with estimates of up to 50,000). That's a population density of at least 3.2 million per square mile. for new york city to get that dense, every man, woman, and child living in texas would have to move to manhattan!